Every day we generate two and a half quintillion bytes of data, a number with 12 zeros on the end. Every day we take three billion photographs. Every day 500 million people use the story feature on Instagram. Are we witnessing a storytelling epidemic? Is this the new decadence?
Using an assemblage of objects and recollections, curator, writer and dance artist Roshanara Adams presents her origin story as the starting point for an immersive audio-visual experience that explores decadence in the context of the attention industry.
pleasure gardens is a work in development and by far our most ambitious production to date. This slowly unfolding project began with a small hand-finished print run of The Garden of Knowledge by Leopold Andrian, a decadent text first published in German in 1895, and translated into English for the first time by Francesca Bugliani Knox in 2022. The work has its foundations in this extraordinary short story.
Then in 2023, we presented Roshanarar bagan: an autobiographical exhibition of decadence at the Austrian Cultural Forum London. Over five weeks we tested ideas and gathered a huge amount of audience feedback along the way.
Next up in 2024 is the publication of a new edition of Twilight in Delhi — a seminal work by Pakistani novelist, diplomat and scholar, Ahmed Ali, written in 1940 and first published by The Hogarth Press. This will provide a second layer to our story.
The full multiroom installation lands in 2025... unless we get James Cameron about it.